CrossFit – Wed, May 29

Metcon (Time)


1 Power Clean

*Starting at 70% of 1RM

at 7:00 mark:

For Time:

20 Power Cleans at 75% of heaviest weight lifted for Part A

Coach’s Notes: Build to a technical max for the day. If technique breaks down do not add weight. Record the time it takes to complete the 20 Reps. Leave a note in the comment section of the weight used.

Power Clean (Use this to reference and record weights used. )

Metcon (Time)


3 Banded Deadlifts

at 7:00 mark:

For Time:

75 Russian KBS (70/53)

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Checkmark)

At a recovery pace:

4:00 Row

4:00 Bike

4:00 Ski