CrossFit – Mon, Jun 17
$$ for you and $$ for a friend. Say what?!

BRING A BUDDY week is 6/24-6/29. Check your email (and spam folder) for more info.

Deadlift (3 Reps every 2:00 x 5 Sets)

Coach’s Notes: Start at 80% of your 1RM and build to a 9/10 RPE. These are TNG “Library Deadlifts” meaning you will control and gently tap the ground even on your last rep.

Double KB Sumo Deadlift (10 Reps every 2:00 x 5 Sets)

Coach’s Notes: Controlled on the way down, fast on the way up. If you did this 2 weeks ago use a heavier set of KBs.

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for time:

500m Run

25 Russian KBS (70/53)