CrossFit – Fri, Jul 26
We are helping the Fresno Mission with a backpack drive! Donate a new backpack and place it in the box upfront by the counter if you can. Thank you!

Deadlift (4,4,2,2)

Coach’s Notes: Start at 80% of 1RM and build to 9/10. We will complete a set every 2:00 together as a group. These are TNG reps so no resetting from the bottom.

Weighted GHD Hip Extension (4 Sets: 8 Reps w/ 1 sec. pause at top)

Coach’s Notes: If you did his 2 weeks ago use a heavier weight for at least 1 set.

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

4 Sets:


25 Double KB Deadlifts (70/53)

Max Calorie Row in remaining time

Rest 2:00