CrossFit – Sat, Oct 19
Coat Drive- Bring new or gently used coats to be donated to Fresno Mission.

Sign-up for 2 cities race under Certus CrossFit  Two Cities Marathon Online Registration (

Novemberfest is Sat. 11/16. Check your emails for more info. Sign-up your team here:  NovemberFest Team Sign-Ups (

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a partner:


400m Farmer’s Carry Buy-in

AMRAP in remaining time:

12 Toes to Bar

10 Double DB Power Cleans

8 DB Reverse Lunges (farmer’s position)

Men’s Rx: 50#/hand

Women’s Rx: 35#/hand

Coach’s Notes: Record total rounds and reps. Partner’s may switch at any point for the Farmer’s Carry. For the AMRAP partners will alternate movements. Example: Partner A does 12 TTB, Partner B does 10 DB PC, Partner A Does 8 Lunges then partner B starts the next round with TTB.