CrossFit – Thu, Mar 13
Last week of FNL! Come join in this week to watch or workout and eat some tacos.
Lost and found will be donated this week so look through and grab your stuff.
Performance & Fitness
5RM Strict Pull-up (Weight)
Metcon (Calories)
3 Sets:
1:00 Calorie Row
:30 REST
1:00 Calorie Ski
:30 REST
1:00 Calorie C2 Bike
Coach’s Notes: Retesting our 5RM. Take as many sets as needed. 15:00 Cap.
Scoring: Must be strict. no momentum or kip. Advanced athletes can use the weight belt to go heavier. If we are working on banded pull-ups put 0# and in the comment section put the color of the band. If doing a ring Row make a note of foot placement.