CrossFit – Sun, Mar 30

Warm Up

Ttt Gait Prep

Line Drills (25-30ft/ movement):
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Quad Stretch
Knee Hug
Spiderman Lunge
Side to Side Lunge
Side Shuffle

*Equipment Needed: None

Optional Strength

Two Options:
1) None
2) Make up a strength piece from the week

“Leaving The Station” (Checkmark)

EMOM x 25 minutes Alternating:
Minute 1 – Row x 45 sec
Minute 2 – 6-8/side Single arm Russian KB Swing
Minute 3 – Bike x 45 sec
Minute 4 – 2-4/side KB Turkish Get ups
Minute 5 – Ski x 45 sec


A. Ankle Clocks: 2-3 x 3-5 rotations (4 way reach), rest 30s.

B. Wall Reference Skater Squat: 2-3 x 6 per side, rest 30s.

C. Extended Leg Couch Stretch: 2-4 x 30s per side, rest 30-45s.

D. Hip Rotating Side Plank: 2-3 x 6-8 per side, rest 30-45s.
*Focus on rotating from the hip

E. Natural Knee Extension: 2-3 x 6-8 reps, rest 30-45s.

F. Narrow Stance Squat to Hamstring Pulses: 2-3 sets x 10 reps of 3+3.