CrossFit – Mon, Oct 17
Performance & Fitness
Front Squat (3 Reps every 2:00 x 6 Sets)
<p>Coach’s Notes: Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of each rep. Start roughly around 65% of your 1RM and build to heavy set of 3 with good technique.</p>
Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Time)
<p>3 Rounds for Time:</p><p>5 Wall Walks or 50′ Handstand Walk</p><p>10 Thrusters (115/75)</p><p>20 Toes to Bar </p><p> </p><p> </p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>3 Rounds for Time:</p><p>5 Wall Walks or 10 Inch Worms</p><p>10 Double DB Thrusters (40/25)</p><p>20 Sit-ups</p>