CrossFit – Mon, Jan 8
Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Checkmark)
Complete a set every 2:00 x 5 Sets
40-75 Double Unders or 75 Singles
3 TNG Power Cleans or 15 UB Heavy KBS
Power Clean (Use this to reference and record weights used)
Metcon (Calories)
50 KBS (53/35)
50 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Bike, Ski or Row in remaining time
Coach’s Notes: Leave a comment in the notes section of which machine you used. Record total calories. Scale so that you have at least 5:00 on the machine at the end.
Coach’s Notes: 45 Second Cap on the jump rope. Start Power Cleans at 65% of 1 RM and build to heavy but smooth weight by the last set.