CrossFit – Mon, Oct 7
Coat Drive- Bring new or gently used coats to be donated to Fresno Mission.
Sign-up for 2 cities race under Certus CrossFit
We are doing our November competition/ fundraiser. Stay tuned for more info
Submit your community programmed workout of the month

Front Squat (15:00- Build to 5RM, 3RM or 1RM)

Coach’s Notes: Choose 1 of the three options. We have spent some time building strength with our squats so let’s see how that’s paid off!

Front Squat (4 Sets: 6 Reps)

Coach’s Notes: If we are newer to the movement or we aren’t up for testing a max then choose this option today. Use a moderate weight for all 4 Sets.

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Time)

For Time:

500m Row or 1.2k Echo Bike

50 Alternating Reverse Lunges (50/35)

500m Row or 1.2k Echo Bike

*10:00 Cap