CrossFit – Sat, Feb 8
Bring a Buddy Week is back! Mon.2/3- Sat. 2/8. Entire week is FREE for friends and fam.

Sign-up for the Open here:
 Registration for the 2025 CrossFit Open is Now Live!

Metcon (Calories)

In Teams of 3:


Max Calorie Row

*1 person will complete:

2 rounds:

2 Wall Walks

10 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)

30 Double-unders

Coach’s Notes: first person will be on the rower. second person will rest, and the third person will work through 2 rounds of the above movements. When that person has completed those 2 rounds all partners will then switch. Goal is to accumulate as many calories as you can during the 30:00.